Dont make your home an easy target for burglars Call Now 08001930226
Most Burglaries are an opportunist crime, however a burglar only needs to spot a gate left open, a window open, a door un locked, or a dodgy burglar alarm which looks badly maintained.
If you know your home security look poor so will a burglar.
Why not follow this list of safety tips
Tip 1. check that you have locked all doors and windows, even if your just popping out for a minute.
Tip 2. Make sure you fit deadlocks to all external doors, the reason for this is they can only be opened from the inside thieves hate them.
Tip 3. Make sure you have not left any keys in an obvious place.
Tip 4. Make sure you have fitted key operated locks to all windows, burglar dont like having to break glass as its to noisey.
Tip 5. You have a visible Burglar Alarm and it is switched on.
Tip 6. No spare keys are hidden outside the property, under stones, mats, etc trust me they will look there.
Tip 7. Make sure you have left light on or the stereo playing on a low volume.
Tip 8. Make sure your garden fencing isnt to low, your garden gate has a good quality padlock and your garden shed is locked.
Tip 9. Make sure your Laptops, Tvs and other valuables are not visible through the window.
Tip 10. If its dark when you go out close curtains and leave a light on
If you require some crime prevention leaflets call or email us on any of the contact details listed below